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Student Handbook

Student Handbook

Affirmative Action Policy

Under Executive Order 11246, as amended, an educational institution must have a written Affirmative Action Plan, documenting good faith efforts to end discriminatory practices in employment. Copies of Louisiana Delta Community College’s Affirmative Action Plan are available by request from Human Resources at (318) 345-9187 or Several other types of federal legislation that prohibit discrimination also cover the College. Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended. Title VI prohibits discrimination against students or others on the grounds of race, color, or national origin. Title VII is the most comprehensive federal employment law and was extended in 1972 to cover educational institutions, both public and private. Title VII prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender in any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. This includes many areas, for example, admissions, recruitment, financial aid, housing, athletics, student organizations, and employment of faculty, staff, and students. Sexual harassment is prohibited under Title IX. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. These laws, which prohibit discrimination against qualified disabled individuals, apply to admissions policies and hiring practices, and require removal of barriers, program accessibility, and reasonable accommodations to allow equal opportunity to disabled students, faculty, and staff. Those seeking academic or program accommodations because of a disability should contact the Office of Counseling and Disability Services at (318) 345-9152.

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 as amended. This Act prohibits discrimination in salaries (including almost all fringe benefits) on the basis of gender. Inquiries concerning the applications of all federal laws and regulations regarding discrimination, including sexual harassment, should be directed to the Dean of Student Success Services/Title IX Coordinator located in the Louisiana Purchase Building, Monroe Campus, Suite 144, by phone at 318-345-9145 or

Alcohol and Drug Statement

The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989 (Public Law 101-226) requires the College to certify to the Department of Education that it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the illicit use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees.

This program must include the following:

  • Standards of conduct concerning the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs, and the illegal use of alcohol by students and employees on College property or at any College activity

  • Description of legal sanctions

  • Clear statement of the College’s sanctions for violations

  • Description of any drug and alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation services; 5. Description of the health risks associated with use of illicit drugs and abuse of alcohol.

The information below follows the requirements of the Act.

It is unlawful to possess, use, or distribute illicit drugs on LDCC property or at any College-sponsored event. Alcohol and drug use is a major issue in the community and on college campuses. Alcohol and drugs can seriously damage physical and mental health, as well as jeopardize personal and public safety. In addition, excessive alcohol consumption may lead to physical abuse, date rape, auto accidents, violence, and other behaviors which lead to self-destruction.

The College abides by all state, federal, and local laws pertaining to alcohol and will enforce underage drinking laws. LDCC policy prohibits the consumption, possession, or distribution of alcoholic beverages or other drugs in or on any College property or while participating in any College-sponsored trip or activity. All state, local, and federal laws are enforced and may result in disciplinary action by the College as well as criminal prosecution. Violation of the underage drinking laws will be enforced.

The College provides drug awareness seminars throughout the year as well as referral services to students, faculty, and staff who seek help with substance abuse problems.

LDCC is a drug and alcohol-free campus and recognizes that drug and alcohol abuse is a major societal concern and problem. Such abuse leads to health problems, decreased productivity, crime and general weakening of our nation’s social fabric. Alcohol and drug abuse is especially destructive to education and learning, inhibiting educational, social and interpersonal development. It is the purpose of this policy to establish a comprehensive program to address the abuse of alcohol and drugs.

The following conduct is prohibited:

  • The use, consumption, possession, manufacture, furnishing, sale and/or distribution of illicit drugs, narcotics or other controlled substances, including marijuana.

  • The use, possession, manufacture, purchase, sale, furnishing and/or distribution of drug paraphernalia.

  • The use, consumption, possession, manufacture, purchase, sale, furnishing, and/or distribution of alcoholic beverages on College property, or at any of its activities, except as expressly permitted by College regulations and the law.

  • The use, consumption, possession and/or purchase of alcoholic beverages by persons under 21 years of age.

  • Operating or attempting to operate a motor vehicle while intoxicated.

  • Public intoxication on College property.

  • Furnishing, serving and/or otherwise providing alcoholic beverages to persons under 21 years of age. College Sanctions

Students who violate the provision violates the College’s Code of Student Conduct and will be subject to sanctions, which could include criminal prosecution, suspension and/or expulsion.

 Drug and Alcohol Prevention:

Area programs available for drug and alcohol counseling, treatment, rehabilitation, or support services can be located by contacting the Office of Student Counseling and Disability Services, located in Office 155 on the Monroe campus or by calling 318-345-9152. Additionally, informational literature is available as well as various educational activities are provided annually to increase student’s awareness of alcohol and other drug related problems.

Career Services

LDCC Office of Career Services is committed to providing free career counseling services and offers a holistic approach to serving students by involving Campus Directors, Career and Technical Education (CTE) Coordinators, and support services offices in planning and administering services to students. Career Services resources assist students in exploring and defining their career options. Career Coach, a website for career development, is available for students to complete career assessments and identify career goals. Handshake is a Career Services Platform that students, alumni, and employers can utilize when they sign up for the service. Once registered, students receive valuable career-centered advice, career podcasts, access to building a career portfolio and resume, and access to employer placement by applying for open job postings online. Employers have access to student resumes and the ability to post their organization’s employment positions on the Handshake site. This may further give students chances of securing employment.  

In addition, students and alumni can find help with the job search process through workshops, job placement support, LDCC Career Services webpage, and annual Career Fairs.  Students on all campuses have consistent access to the Office of Career Services processes through direct and online support.

Cell Phones

Cell phones must be set on vibrate or turned off while students are in the classrooms. In an emergency situation, the instructor may give a student permission to use a cell phone.

Clery Act

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f)) is the landmark federal law originally known as the Campus Security Act. This act requires colleges and universities across the United States to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. The LDCC Police Department provides the Annual Security Report/Fire Safety Report, and the report is furnished to both current and prospective students/employees as part of the College’s commitment to the safety and well-being of the LDCC community. The Annual Security Report/Fire Safety Report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings, on property owned/controlled by the Louisiana Delta Community College, and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies addressing sexual assault, and other matters. The Annual Security Report/Fire Safety Report is updated each year.

Communication Procedures for Students

LDCC student e-mails shall be the College’s official means of communication with all students. The College also retains the right to send official correspondence via traditional methods.

All enrolled students will be assigned an official Louisiana Delta Community College (LDCC) e-mail account. Official college communications shall be sent to their individual e-mail account, including, but not limited to, announcements of college-related activities, and student services notifications (student activities, student workshops, financial aid notifications, etc.) and actions (notification of probation, suspension, disciplinary actions, etc.)

Student Obligations:

  • This method of communication places certain obligations on each student.

  • Students understand they have a college e-mail account by attending LDCC.

  • Students shall responsibly manage their e-mail account in a frequent and consistent basis (i.e. archiving attachments, deleting old messages, and reviewing new messages, etc.)

  • Students understand that the College may supplement electronic communication with traditional mail.

  • Students are expressly forbidden from soliciting and receiving e-mails containing pornography or any other illicit materials. Violations will result in violation of the Code of Student Conduct and will be subject to disciplinary actions, including possible suspension or expulsion from the College.

College Obligations:

This method of communication places certain obligations on the College and employees.

  • The College will never lease or sell a student e-mail address to any advertisers and will take a pro-active approach to blocking unsolicited-bulk e-mail messages that could clutter a student’s e-mail account.

  • The College will provide access to computers with Internet capabilities on campus (e.g. open computer labs)

Forwarding of e-mail

The college will not automatically send or forward e-mail messages to non-college accounts. However, students can merge their LDCC emails with their personal emails. Students can go to Student Success Services on each campus for assistance.

Management of Student Accounts

The Information Technology Department is responsible for the establishment of the student e-mail accounts. Accounts will be provided with 30mg of storage space per students. Accounts will be active if a student is enrolled at LDCC. When students are within 90% of their mailbox quota, they will receive a message notifying then that their mailbox is almost full.

Examples of Appropriate Student Wide Distribution

  • Communicating student information from the Student Success Services Offices; 

  • Notification concerning students’ change of course schedules (drop/adds) general petitions and withdrawals;

  • Notification of cancellation of registration;

  • Academic Department information such as class changes, registration issues, new courses and events;

  • New student information about academic support services and academic policies and procedures;

  • Payment deadlines and other business office/cashier information;

  • Surveys

Privacy of e-mail

LDCC uses various methods to protect the security of its computers and network resources and its users’ accounts.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. “Education records” are “those records, files, documents, and other materials which 1) contain information directly related to a student; and 2) are maintained by an educational institution” as per 20 U.S.C. §1232g(a)(4)(A); 34 CFR § 99.3. FERPA applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA allows the college to disclose education records or personally identifiable information with the written consent of the student.

Counseling and Disability Services

Counseling Services

Personal counseling services are offered to LDCC students to realize, develop, and fulfill their personal potential which will allow for maximum benefit of their college experience. Confidential and individual counseling appointments are available for students to help manage the challenges of college life, including balancing personal and academic responsibilities. Students may present for counseling to address concerns such as, but not limited to, depression, anxiety, alcohol and drug use, stress, self-esteem, eating and body image, grief and loss, issues about sexuality, and relationship issues.  The goal of counseling services at LDCC is to promote the overall educational programs by helping students strengthen communication skills, establish goals, and adjust to their academic and social environment. Students are asked to make an appointment by calling 318-345-9152 or sending an email to to schedule an in-person counseling session or a virtual counseling session.

Classroom visits, workshops, and seminars are offered annually including topics such as stress management, sexual assault awareness, alcohol and substance abuse prevention, breast cancer awareness, and healthy relationships.

Disability Services

Louisiana Delta Community College (LDCC) strives to serve students with disabilities through compliance with Sections 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. These laws mandate that postsecondary institutions provide equal access to programs and services for students with disabilities without creating changes to the essential elements of the curriculum. While students with disabilities are expected to meet our institution’s academic standards, they are given the opportunity to fulfill learner outcomes in alternative ways. Examples of accommodations may include, but are not limited to, testing accommodations (i.e., tests read aloud, extended time), sign-language interpreters, relocation of inaccessible classrooms, permission to record lectures and note-taking assistance.

LDCC students requesting reasonable accommodations must self-identify with the Office of Student Counseling and Disability Services, a department located within the Department of Student Success Services. Students can call 318-345-9152 or send an email to to schedule an appointment or for additional information. LDCC provides reasonable accommodations and services to ensure access to qualified students with disabilities who self-identify for services. The requested academic adjustments and auxiliary aids must relate directly to the disability and the relationship must be documented in the student’s medical or psychological reports.

Students must complete an Application for Services Form, which is located on the College’s website, and provide documentation of the disability to initiate disability services. Each student’s request is reviewed case-by-case to ensure individual needs are met.  Also, students requesting accommodations must complete a Semester Accommodation Request Form on the College’s website to renew academic adjustments and auxiliary aids each semester.  Campus Directors or their designated representatives at each campus site will notify the Director of Disability Services, who will travel to the campus to meet with the student seeking assistance through Disability Services. Faculty and staff are also welcome to make referrals for students.

Hazing Policy

In accordance with LDCC Policy SS_109 and Louisiana Revised Statute 17.1801, hazing is prohibited on the Louisiana Delta Community College campus and campus sites.

For a definition of hazing and what activities it may include, please refer to LDCC Policy SS_007.0. Additionally, this policy advises any violation of this policy, including knowledge of and failure to report, may result in expulsion in the case of students, termination in the case of employees, and a suspension of activities for a minimum of one academic year of any student organization that participates in hazing.

If you believe hazing has occurred or is ongoing, file a report online on the LDCC website or contact the Dean of Student Success Services/Title IX Coordinator, the Campus Director, or Campus Police to make a report.  

Identification Cards

Louisiana Delta Community College (LDCC)students must obtain a College Identification Card. Louisiana Delta Community College (LDCC)students must obtain a College Identification Card. The LDCC Identification card will identify you as a student of the College to facilitate the college community's safety, academic integrity, and security.

LDCC students are required to obtain college identification cards. Information about obtaining identification cards is given during pre-registration activities.

Cards must be shown when requested by college staff. Identification cards are non-transferable, and students who misuse these cards are subject to disciplinary action. If an identification card is lost, it must be reported to Library Services to be replaced. Student Photo Identification Cards are valid only while students are active registered students of the College.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Louisiana Delta Community College is committed to providing educational opportunities to all students and employment opportunities to all persons, regardless of their economic or social status. It will not discriminate based on race, color, religion, creed, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic or national origin, disability, age, or any legally protected class. The Office of Counseling and Disability has been designated to coordinate efforts to comply with all laws and regulations applicable to qualified disabled individuals as required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Inquiries concerning the application of all federal laws and regulations regarding discrimination should be directed to Human Resources at (318) 345-9187 or

Notice of Application

The rules, policies, and information presented in this Student Handbook apply to all LDCC students enrolled in any educational program on any of LDCC'campus and sites. All rules, policies, and information presented in this Student Handbook remain in effect and are applicable during official or unofficial breaks, closings, modified calendars, or College holidays.

Notifications and Disclosures Student Handbook

The Student Handbook provides important information on institution policies, procedures, services, and programs. Every effort has been made to provide current and accurate information in this publication; however, all information contained in this Student Handbook is subject to continuous review and evaluation. As such, the college reserves the right to alter any or all information contained in this Student Handbook at any time. Please be reminded that the rules, policies, and information presented in this Student Handbook remain in effect and are applicable during official or unofficial breaks, closings, modified calendars, or college holidays.

Student Retention and Engagement Services

LDCC Office of Retention Services is committed to supporting students and helping them persist to graduation. This is accomplished by assisting students in securing community resources, tutoring resources, degree planning, and referrals to campus resources and support services. The Office of Retention also monitors students’ academic progress and coordinates activities with Career and Technical Education (CTE) Coordinators that will foster academic and technical student success. Student Retention and Engagement is ready to serve students with general success strategies that lead to completing their educational goals.

Office of Student Activities

Welcome to the Office of Student Activities

The Office of Student Activities (OSA) supports students in successfully navigating the college experience. OSA provides an environment for student collaboration, leadership opportunities, and involvement through programmatic experiences, shared governance, and student organizations. The office’s goal is to advocate for and empower students by promoting intercultural understanding and preparing them to positively impact their communities.

Search and Seizure

Lockers and desks are the property of LDCC campuses and are loaned to students to attain an education.  As the property of the College, they are subject to search for contraband at any time, based on the reasonable belief of Campus Security that said lockers and desks may contain material that is not allowed on the College campus.  Having a toolbox and operating a motor vehicle on campus are privileges granted to students. The granting of these privileges is conditioned upon the agreement that Campus Security may search these articles if the student is suspected of having contraband materials such as weapons, illegal substances or drugs, alcoholic beverages, or other similar materials.  Local law enforcement authorities may be included in this process if Campus Security determines a need for such involvement.         

Student Concern Procedure


LDCC will provide students with a fair and efficient process for presenting and resolving concerns arising from their academic and non-academic interactions with faculty, staff, and students. 


The College takes concerns raised seriously. It recognizes the right of any student to raise a concern or make a complaint and will work to resolve that concern or complaint openly and fairly. 

These procedures apply to concerns not addressed in the student handbook, Code of Student Conduct, or other policies in place.


  1. Students who wish to file a non-academic concern must direct the concern in writing to the Department of Student Success Services or the Campus Director at their campus. Concerns can be submitted by completing the student concern form on LDCC’s website.


    1.      The Dean of Student Success Services or Campus Directors will investigate the incident/concern, determine a resolution, and respond in writing to the student within ten working days.

    2.      If the student does not agree with the response, he/she may appeal the decision to the Dean of Enrollment Services, who makes the final decision, within ten working days.




    1.     Academic policy AA112 governs student appeals associated with final grades.

    2.     Students who wish to file an academic concern about faculty should contact the faculty member involved to reach an informal solution.

    3.     If the concern is not resolved, the student may elect to schedule an appointment with the faculty member’s Academic Supervisor or file an official written grievance using the LDCC’s electronic grievance form.  If no solution is found at the faculty, departmental, and Division  Chair levels, the student may appeal within ten working days to the Vice Chancellor of Education and Student Services, who makes the final decision.       

    a.     Students have the right to appeal decisions within the school of discipline supervisory hierarchy up to the Vice Chancellor of Education and Student Services, the final authority.      

    Written concerns are kept in the Department of Student Services on each campus or in electronic format through the student conduct software.

Student Life

Monroe Campus  

  • Amphitheater: Concerts, theatrical performances, Fall Welcome Week, Knightsfest Spring Activities, and other events are held there.

  • Clubs and Organizations:  A number of chartered student organizations are available to students. All College policies and procedures and the Code of Student Conduct will be followed while participating in any student activity, club, or organization. Student clubs and organizations are open to all students without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, qualified disability, marital status, veteran status, or sexual orientation.

  • LDCC Career Clothing Closet: LDCC provides the Shine Like Knight Clothing closet to support students offering free professional clothing to students.

  • LDCC’s Children's Lab School: The Monroe campus houses a Children’s Lab School that is open to children ages 3 and 4 years old. Applications are available at the operator’s desk or contact Ms. Sandee Clawson: (318) 345-9159

  • LDCC Promise Pantry: LDCC provides a food pantry to students and the campus community, promising nourishment and hope through non-perishable necessities.

  • Student Commons Area: The LDCC campus and each college site offer a designated student lounge area with wireless Internet access where students can relax, study, watch TV, or just hang out with friends. Study tables, cell phone charging stations, snack machines, and microwaves are available.

  • Student Government Association: The Student Government Association (SGA) is elected to represent and execute the student will and promote all students’ general welfare. Through the SGA, students are encouraged to provide input into the college's decision-making process.

  • Campus Housing: LDCC does not offer on-campus housing at this time. 

College Sites

LDCC’s community campus sites offer students co-curricular learning opportunities through various activities and events held throughout the year, such as Fall Welcome Week, Knightsfest Spring Activities, SGA-sponsored Black History, Veterans Day Programs, Voter Registration Drives, and more. Campus sites have Student Government Association Senators who represent the interests of LDCC community campus students. Each campus site offers a designated student lounge, study tables, snack machines, and microwaves.   

Student Records Restricting/Releasing Education Records

A student has the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the college to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is as follows:

Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education

400 Maryland Avenue, SW

Washington DC 20202-4605

Title IX

Louisiana Delta Community College (LDCC) does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the education programs and activities that it operates, including but not limited to admissions, financial aid, housing, facilities, scholastic, intercollegiate, club, and intramural athletics. Colleges and Universities are prohibited from doing so by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq., and the U.S. Department of Education’s implementing regulations, 34 CFR Part 106. The College's nondiscrimination policy extends to admission, employment, and other programs and activities. Inquiries regarding the application of Title IX and 34 C.F.R. Part 106 may be sent to the College’s Title IX Coordinator, the U.S. Department of Education Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, or both.

LDCC is committed to providing a workplace and educational environment and other benefits, programs, and activities free from gender-based discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. The College prohibits all Gender-Based discrimination and Sexual Misconduct (including Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking). LDCC has adopted policies and procedures to comply with the federal and state requirements related to the Title IX Act, the VAWA Act, and the SaVE Act. The College has also adopted a Sexual Misconduct Policy.

All campus community members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others. The College will take prompt and equitable action to eliminate Gender-Based or Sexual Misconduct, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects. The College will conduct ongoing prevention, awareness, and training programs for Employees and Students to facilitate and ensure sexual misconduct compliance. Complaints or reports of sexual misconduct should be submitted to Dr. Alvina C. Thomas, Dean of Student Success Services/Title IX Coordinator, located in the Louisiana Purchase Building, Monroe Campus, Suite 144, by phone at 318-345-9145 or Sexual misconduct grievances can also be submitted to:

  • Ms. Meltida Wilson, Student Services Coordinator & Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Room 223, West Monroe Campus, 318-397-6102, ·  Campuses: Jonesboro, Ruston, and West Monroe

  • Dr. Debra Jackson, Associate Professor & Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Winnsboro Campus, 318-367-6230, Campuses: Lake Providence, Tallulah, and Winnsboro

Tobacco-Free Campus

All buildings of Louisiana Delta Community College are smoke-free and tobacco-free. Smoking, chewing, snorting, and/or any use of tobacco products or tobacco “like” products (such as e-cigarettes) by employees, students, and visitors is prohibited in buildings and on the college grounds. Students who violate the LDCC Tobacco Policy are subject to sanctions based on the College’s Code of Student Conduct.

Animals on Campus

Louisiana Delta Community College follows the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and provides students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to utilize a service animal on campus. A service animal is trained to assist people with disabilities in daily activities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a service animal as “a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person’s disability. The dog must be trained to take specific action to assist the disabled person." Students, faculty, or staff members who plan to utilize a service animal must contact the Office of Enrollment Services, Director: Student Counseling & Disability Services, to register the service animal. No other animals are allowed on LDCC property.

Visitors in Classroom

To maintain an academic environment conducive to the well-being of all students, Louisiana Delta Community College prohibits visitors to academic areas without prior approval from the instructor or Vice-Chancellor. These areas include but are not limited to classrooms, laboratories, and learning resource centers. Only students registered for the course are allowed in the classroom or laboratory when the class is in session unless prior approval is gained. In addition, children should be supervised in all campus areas and always be under an adult's careful supervision. This serves to protect children and eliminates distractions for other students. All campus visitors are subject to the standards of behavior found in the LDCC Student Code of Conduct.


Louisiana Delta Community College is a firearms-free campus.  Possessing firearms, explosives, knives, weapons, or any item that may be construed as such is expressly prohibited on all College campuses. Possessing such weapons may result in disciplinary action based on the College’s Code of Student Conduct. These actions may include dismissal from the College and criminal prosecution. There are some limited exceptions to this policy; for example, certified and licensed law enforcement personnel are authorized to carry a firearm, and select students attending law enforcement training classes are approved to carry a firearm by the administrators of those training sessions.