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Employee and Applicant Grievance Procedure and Policy

Delta Community College adheres to the LCTCS policy on Grievance – For All Employess (policy # 6.015):

  1. Guidelines

It is the policy of the Louisiana Community and Technical College System to develop and maintain a satisfied and efficient work force. An employee who is seeking a solution concerning disagreements arising from working relationships, working conditions, employment practices, or differences in interpretation of policy is encouraged to discuss the matter with the immediate supervisor before filing a grievance. Most concerns can be resolved informally without the need for a formal grievance. Performance evaluations are not grievable under this formal grievance policy. LCTCS believes that employee grievances should be resolved at the lowest possible administrative level and an employee must exhaust all administrative procedures at the institution level before an appeal can be made to the President. Only those grievances that are related to the President or that the President cannot resolve shall be sent to the Board.

When an employee feels he/she has been treated unjustly, the employee has the right to utilize the grievance policy without fear of retaliation, discrimination, or reprisal because of the action. The decision to utilize the grievance policy shall be the employee’s decision. It is understood that a grievance will be kept confidential except to the extent necessary to investigate and resolve the grievance.

When an employee feels that a condition of employment or application of a policy is unjust or inequitable, he/she is encouraged to first seek assistance from his/her immediate supervisor, who should attempt to solve the problem The supervisor is responsible for handling the complaint and striving to arrive at a prompt, equitable solution.

Occasionally, an employee’s complaint involves his/her supervisor, or the employee does not feel the matter has been resolved by the supervisor. In such an instance, the employee Page 2 of 3 should feel free to file a formal grievance. The employee may appeal a complaint through to the college Chancellor. In the event that the complaint is appealed beyond the Chancellor level, the LCTCS President will respond to the appeal through a procedure established by the system President.

When an employee feels he/she is being discriminated against because of race, color, sex, ethnic origin, religion, age, veteran status, or disability and is not able to discuss this issue with his/her supervisor, the employee should refer to the LCTCS policy on harassment.

Only those grievances that are not eligible for appeal to the Director of Civil Service or the Civil Service Commission shall be processed through the LCTCS grievance policy.

Under certain circumstances, Civil Service classified employees should use the Civil Service procedure for appeals and hearings rather than the LCTCS system grievance policy. Examples of the types of actions over which the Civil Service Commission assumes responsibility are disciplinary actions which impact pay, such as:

  • Removal of a permanent employee for cause

  • Suspension with or without pay as a disciplinary action

  • Reduction in pay

  • Prohibited political activity

  • Classification and Pay 

   2. Grievance Procedure

To file a grievance, employees should use the following procedures:

  • The employee is encouraged to work out issues of concern with his or her immediate supervisor on an informal basis. However, this is not required before filing a grievance.

  • The employee should file a written grievance as soon as possible after the action giving rise to the grievance and normally within fifteen (15) working days.

  • The grievance should be directed to employer’s supervisor, unless the grievance involves that supervisor, in which case the grievance should be directed to the next in line of management.

  • The supervisor or, if applicable, the next in line of management , normally has fifteen (15) working days to respond to the grievance in writing.

  • Should an employee be unsatisfied with a response from their supervisor, he or she may direct a written grievance to the Executive Director of Human Resources within ten (10) working days of receiving their supervisor’s response. The Executive Director will act upon the complaint, in writing, normally within ten (10) days.

  • The Executive Director will arrange an investigation with the parties involved. The Executive Director will then respond in writing to the aggrieved employee normally within fifteen (15) working days once the investigation is complete.

  • The employee may appeal a complaint through to the college Chancellor within 10 working days of receiving the response.

  • In the event that the complaint is appealed beyond the Chancellor level, the LCTCS President will respond to the appeal through a procedure established by the system President. 

Time periods provided in this policy for presenting or responding to grievances may be extended when necessary and appropriate.